Providing quality care and education for each unique child
in a safe, friendly and encouraging environment


Forest School
Forest School is a unique and inspirational learning process where children can develop their self-worth, while enriching all areas of their learning in a real-life context.
It is a process that children are privileged to be a part of, where they use the natural environment to deepen their learning and taking the time they need to reflect and be inspired.
It is a hands-on learning experience, personalised for each child and motivated by their interest and passions. We believe that developing emotional intelligence, self-esteem and social skills are the key foundations that a child needs, and time is taken to develop these.
During Forest School children will be motivated and feel empowered to join in with new experiences.
They can choose to participate in activities and challenge their individual aspiration, in ways that they learn best.
In Forest School children will develop an understanding and connection with the natural world, appreciating their natural surroundings that they live in.
The children will have opportunities to work with tools, play, explore, and learn the boundaries of behaviour by managing risks.

Here's a video of one of our Forest School cook out sessions. The children enjoyed free time exploring the woods, joining in on set activities and taking turns to create fire safely with a flint and steel. They also ate their lunch in the woods which was cooked on the fire and enjoyed S'mores that they made themselves.

Sessions include:
-Exploring the natural environment through their sense of awe and wonder.
-Developing a relationship with the environment where children wish to learn how to nurture and manage the natural environment.
-Building dens and other structures to enrich their imaginative play.
-Natural crafts.
-Using tools and learning tool safety.
-Scavenger hunts and adventure.
-Team games.
- Respect for wildlife.
-Seasonal activities.
-Storytelling using the natural world to enable stories to come to life.


Holiday Club
In Forest School holiday club your child will enjoy lots of outdoor activities as well as being able to choose to interact with our structured Forest School set ups such as;
Our construction area
Our mud kitchen
Our camouflage dens
Our arts and craft area
Our bug hotel and bug hunting areas
Cook Out
The children will enjoy snack and lunch around our fire circle and will also get to help prepare and cook their own meals on our campfire with the help of our trained Forest School leaders.
These days are filled with fun and engaging activities for your child to enjoy from start to finish.
What your child will need:
To be dressed in full waterproof clothing
A long sleeve top and full length trousers under their waterproof clothing
(no matter the weather all skin must be covered whilst in the woods)
A water bottle
A sense of adventure...
For children aged 4-8

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40 British pounds